
"In my interaction as a member of the steering committee with the ministry, I have seen a genuine effort on the ministry’s part to try and alleviate the calibre of discourse and to take small steps towards becoming a truly global film festival. "An autonomous body made of individuals who have spent recent years representing Indian cinema globally, young filmmakers, curators and film scholars who are recognised as the voice of cinema on a global platform could come together.Back in the 1970s, Satyajit Ray had complained about the process of getting a government sanctions to send films to send them to film festivals as "bureaucratic shilly-shallying.Vivek Agnihotri"IFFI curates and compiles works from all across the world bringing together the best cinematic voices." Decades have passed since then and government measures have changed.

MAMI is actually able to get more quality films to screen, simply because it doesn’t have as much government interference," he elaborates. Steering committee member of IFFI, Anand Gandhi believes not.She adds that though she is troubled that the jury members are upset at the turn of events, dissent is simply a part and parcel of democracy. Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Toronto — you name the top 50 film festivals in the world and you won’t find a parallel among any of them in the world. I would like to have a deeper insight into what is happening and how best as citizens, as artistes and filmmakers of this country, how best we can help bridge the gaps right now that exist," he signs off.With no solution in sight for the films dropped from the IFFI by the I&B ministry, experts weigh in on whether the government should be involved at all at film festivals. According to the filmmaker, the best way to improve the situation would be to create an autonomous body for the festival alone. What has not changed however is government interference into films.Convenor of the Preview Committee for IFFI, Vivek Agnihotri, however, sheds some light on the matter, claiming that two films would have been dropped either way. The body could even change the rules as they are now, so that they could negotiate the decisions taken. And we shall be hearing a lot of dissenting voices in the films that we’ve chosen for the panorama this year at IFFI," she says. And if one is to take a look at the ones run by the government, they are fraught with problems. "The voice of dissent is also an integral part of that beautiful fabric of India democracy. "If one only takes a look at bodies like the Sahitya Akademi, one can see that they’re autonomous. Just put Mumbai Academy of Moving Image’s (MAMI) Mumbai Film Festival and IFFI side-by-side. — With inputs from Subhash K Jha. Would we want to risk looking as though Wholesale Heat Transfer Printing Factory we (the BJP government) is muzzling artistic freedom?" asks preview board member and BJP politician Vani Tripathi Tikoo rhetorically. If not, S Durga and Nude, two other films would have been dropped and the jury would have a problem with those then," shrugs the filmmaker.

The two films, which were dropped at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) by the information and broadcasting (I&B) ministry, stand testimony to this fact.With the upheavals around the festival showing no signs of abating, one wonders whether government intrusion at an international film festival is desirable at all. With the makers joining their voices in protest; jury member Apurva Asrani has followed Sujoy Ghosh’s example and quit the jury. If the ministry were to leave the decisions to them entirely, or at least, largely, then most certainly, we would have a far better festival than what we have at the moment. Avinash’s words can perhaps find further validation in the fact that MAMI had a screening of S Durga in their India Gold section — the same film that the I&B Ministry has dropped from the IFFI line-up without any explanation.Anand also admits that the matter is not as black and white as it seems."S Durga posterFilmmaker Avinash Das also condemns all government interference, calling it the principle reason for the stagnation of art and culture forums. "Of the 153 films selected initially, the jury was to recommend 22 films to the ministry, which would then select 20 out of those.

The intensity of the crisis is so deep that the government sponsored programme of 100 days job guarantee to one person of a family has failed to arrest migration. European societies are struggling to genuinely transform into a multi-cultural order. It was followed by the murders of an octogenarian leftist leader, a literary doyen, and a radical woman journalist, in the same fashion and allegedly by the same group.’ Pride and hatred have replaced shared principles of co-existence and everything of the ‘other’ becomes intolerable. Each block has developed hatred against at least one ‘other’ block. Physical assaults and killings based on religious and race hatred are consistently on the rise in the motherland and fatherland of the democratic order, i.

It could have been argued that countries like India and regions like West Asia are facing a post colonial syndrome, but for developments in the West. The fluid migrant population is easy prey for social mobilisations and hate campaigns.’With the State increasingly controlled by a conservative Hindu Wholesale Mattress Ticking Factory majority group, the chances of perpetrators of violence being awarded are more than of them being lawfully punished. The resulting unrest has found easy targets in its own society. The alleged killers were Muslim and were angry with Ankit for courting a young woman from their family. The widespread uncertainty about employment has ghettoised people into communities, which act as a support system to each other and a bargaining block vis-a-vis the State. The post-independent leadership achieved remarkable success in de-polarising the post-partition society. Thus, along with the ‘other’ who have not been in the business of questioning the belief system of the majority, the reformers, born in the same community, are at the receiving end of religious conservatism.Today’s India consists of multi-layered blocks of communities. The situation is deteriorating further as stakeholders in the system are unwilling to shoulder responsibility of what is happening and why it is happening.The phenomenon has spread across many European countries, threatening a long phase of peace and progress that began after the second world war. They attempted to weave a secular fabric among communities for almost half a century with partial success. Tackling such a situation through legal methods and social movements is an effective but not adequate measure.Ankit Saxena, just 23, was killed outside a metro station in New Delhi. His appearance as a Muslim bearded believer was not acceptable to the mob in a suburban area of Pune - a city known for its strange culture of religious conservatism and social reforms. In retaliation, Hindutva organisations have imposed an embargo on the killers’ extended family even though the brave young woman is standing up for justice.In the process, as an economic necessity and out of liberal principles, many western countries invited skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers from other countries.

This is not an exceptional case but an addition to the several killings that have happened in India as hate-mongers freely roam in society and on social media. Principles of secularism, democracy and rule of law had taken root in the West in not so multi-cultural societies. India is currently undergoing this crisis, resulting in mass migration of agricultural workers to urban centres. These could only be supplementary efforts to the booming economy with distributive principle.The same city had experienced one of the most sensational killings in 2013 when a popular rationalist, Dr Narendra Dabholkar, a Hindu by birth, was shot dead by Hindu fanatics. First, the integration of the migrants in society, and secondly, the depleting job opportunities for everyone in the country. The cheap labour elsewhere created job shortages in the West. This has kept people’s faith in a liberal democratic order intact. A broadly liberal democratic dispensation was successful in warding off the sectarian-authoritarian threats due to a mix of post-war reconstruction of the economy and social security based welfare programmes. It will have implications for rapidly developing economies like India. Members allegedly of the Hindu Rashtra Sena (Hindu National Army) bludgeoned him to death as he emerged from a mosque after his evening prayer. A deep-rooted hatred exists in the hearts of Hindus and Muslims against each other since the time of the British Raj in India. This was the period when the West was still the manufacturing hub of the world. In an essentially multi-cultural society like India, principles of secularism, democracy and rule of law were considered as the main constitutional pillars of the nation-building exercise.

The conservatives hated them because they fought against superstition, caste-based hierarchy, patriarchy and communalism and considered an assault on the faith of the majority.The consolidated religious identities resulted in a fanatic creation of pride for oneself and hatred for the ‘other. Each block carries a grievance of injustice done to it by the ‘other,’ either in the past or in the contemporary phase or both.Global capital has created a huge reserve army of workers by sustaining agricultural distress in developing countries.e. (The author is academic head of the School of Government, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune). It is a serious setback to the project of building an Indian nation state. However, religious organisations steadily cemented their respective population’s identities based on faith as practice and propagation of any faith as a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution. This intolerance led to 28-year-old techie Mohsin Shaikh losing his life in 2014. However, many social blocks have scant regard for such principles, thus justifying violence against the ‘other. The system created through it tackled the issue of poverty and unemployment rather successfully. the United Kingdom and the USA respectively. With such a scenario not in sight, the future looks gloomy, if not doomed. While political beneficiaries of the hate upsurge call it a nationalist tide, the nationalism in consideration here is too narrow to accommodate religious, racial and linguistic minorities. However, as industries shifted to the east and south of the globe, western societies confronted two roaring issues. The largest of them are formed on the basis of religion, while blocks within consist of caste, sub-caste and regional identities.

I Heat Transfer Printing Factory call it the ‘fabric of the future’ as it ticks all the right boxes in terms of the environment. Or banana fiber, which is being explored in India as well. "The frightening truth is that there cannot be much of a future for mankind if we do not tackle environmental concerns. The clothing industry in the country, and globally as well, needs to do its bit in being environmentally conscious. "I only use natural dyes and look towards shades that reflect nature, an integral part of our existence. Spearheading the cause of eco-fashion, she is celebrating the colour indigo in her Autumn/Winter collection at the ongoing Amazon India Fashion Week 2018.

The earthy hues in my textiles are symbiotic in their interface with the gradations in shades that I use in a particular weave. Clothes should reflect a harmony between the weave and the motifs.Her new collection has a predominance of shades of Indigo, as well as earthy colours such as buff, chestnut, burnt umber, amber and cerise, and draws inspiration from traditional Indonesian Ikat. I am constantly striving to achieve that balance in my textiles. I had to start from the basics. It’s also important to develop a good business head, to rack up sales," she says. "It is a textile that has the right tensile strength, the appropriate thread count that is responsive to being blended with silk."The future is and indeed can only be eco-friendly and sustainable but for now comes at a cost not all can afford. After all, connoisseurs are willing to spend more on a good wine rather than a middling one. There’s nettle, bichu buti, which is being experimented with in Nepal.Craft revivalist and textile conservationist Madhu Jain is a name to reckon with. Despite the abundance of bamboo in India, even procuring the raw, rough bamboo yarn is not easy. The weaving of the Ikat motif in the warp and weft had to be precise."She feels it is important for budding fashion designers to follow their heart."However, now she feels that she has developed the perfect textile. There are a wealth of other plant-based yarns that are being used by people all over the world."Creations by Madhu Jain at the Amazon India Fashion Week AW 2018Talking about the challenges of developing her new clothing line, she says, "The Bamboo-Silk Ikat textile — the first textile of its kind in the world —that I am showcasing on the ramp has taken me 15 nail-biting years to perfect The designer was recently conferred the Nari Shakti Puraskar 2017, the highest civilian honour for women in India, by President Ram Nath Kovind for her work in eco-fashion and sustainable production and creating alternative fibers like the biodegradable Bamboo-Silk Ikat. Extracted from plants, this natural dye has a molten depth that is arresting. Factory produced fabrics are much cheaper, but harmful to the environment. It is biodegradable, eco-friendly in production, UV protective and anti-bacterial. Clients need to weigh one against the other, and decide for themselves what they choose.

The tribe of those who understand handloom and organic textiles — the connoisseurs — can be made to grow," she believes. We should lead by example, which means that our production processes should leave the smallest possible carbon footprint. I had to put in diligent and extensive R&D to soften the yarn, and do an enormous amount of on-the-ground work with master weavers to familiarise them with a yarn that was so different from anything they’d worked on. So, my colour palette is determined by that," she says, adding, "Indigo, one of the oldest stains to be used in printing and dyeing, dates back to over 6,000 years ago.While Madhu Jain loves bamboo, there are many other materials that she feels can be tapped. However, such textiles come with a monetary price tag that is borne by buyers. For example, yarn from pineapple and banana in the Philippines. "The competition in this profession is intense; use that to your advantage by thinking up the next big thing. Ensuring consistency from batch to batch was another challenge, as the quality of yarn fluctuated all the time. No surprises there, considering I’ve been working on refining its yarn for so many years. It’s also time that we started creating awareness around eco-friendly clothes. "Personally, I love bamboo. I am drawn over and over again to the magic of this colour.


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